Our Projects


The Robotics Club of Cental Florida is dedicated to producing new, innovative robots that challenge all aspects and majors of the club each year. Our Projects involve mechanical, electrical, and computer engineers as well as computer scientists to achieve overall project goals.

Due to the Covid 19 many of our projects from 2019-2020 had their development progress stunted. For this reason we will be continuing to work on their development. Our flagship robots are a 15lb combat robot Bowser, an autonomous ground vehicle, and Demobot, a bot made to demonstrate various aspects of robotics. Together, they offer a comprehensive chance to join us as we tackle mechanical, electrical, and software challenges!




Our autonomous ground vehicle. Bowser currently involves a complete electrical overhaul, object detection with both computer vision and LiDAR, simulations, and building back up mechanically. Our goal is to compete in the IGVC contest in 2021!

View Bowser



Demobot is a demonstrative robot - a challenge to create a robot that can demonstate various aspects of robotics while remaining interesting to all. Demobot involves a bit of every discipline to achieve our goals. Demonstrations to be determined!

View Demobot